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A YOUTUBER was nearly crushed after riding in an elevator shaft at the Glasgow Marriott hotel.
In a video uploaded to YouTube, a user called RYEGI appeared to be riding on top of one of the lifts in what they called "lift surfing."
In the almost two-minute clip, they sat
If you’re visiting Thailand for an experienced period of time, or planning to buy or rent an apartment and call the country home, then you’re bound to run out of basic essentials from time to time.
Fortunately, Thailand’s numerous grocery store franchises provide everyt
The Japanese government is alarmed that not enough young people are buying alcoholic beverages. So, it has set up a contest for young people to come up with ideas on how to fix this “problem.”
It’s not clear if this is real or not, given that most Japanese people appear to be learn
If you know your way around food TikTok and Instagram, then you're probably very familiar with Nick DiGiovanni. The social media star, who also happens to be the youngest finalist in "MasterChef" history (via WBZ), draws massive virtual crowds for his fun videos featuring fast food copycats, c
Judges Carla Hall, Zac Young, Stephanie Boswell and Host John Henson portrait, as seen on Halloween Baking Championship, Season 8.
Ghostober is back, and it starts in September with a Ghostober Preview Party on Travel Channel. The event is referred to as “the unofficial start of th
When you think of Mediterranean islands, chances are your mind turns to Santorini, Corfu, or Crete. The Greek islands are the quintessential image of a Mediterranean island, all rocky mountains, sheer cliffs, and picturesque whitewashed villages. Or, you might picture sunrise in the Balearics,
Landlords try to stop rent control initiative in Florida
Ballots haven’t even been printed yet, but already a group of landlords and real estate agents in Florida want to stop voters from deciding on a measure that would implement rent control for a year in the theme park hub that
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