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The torn aerobics master discussed the progress, daily activities and animations that allowed him to try his own training methods.
Before more tha
Join Willamette’s Friends Week and help our beloved city.
The 1300 block of Southwest Washington Street has Scooter's, Cassidy's and Taft Home. (Chris Neses)
The Portland family's residential life center for adults with special needs closed on December 1. A few months ago, state reg
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Race driver and Formula One world champion Lewis Hamilton has just sold the downtown single loft palace he has never lived in for a staggering 49.5 million US dollars.
This is the largest downtown auction this ye
Custom homes are perfect for entertaining in the Midland market
Midland, Michigan-There is a house for sale in Midland with an indoor swimming pool, bar, humidor, two-story library and more than 6,000 square feet of living space.
The house is located at 5606 Pondview Drive in Midland
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DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--"Indian elevator market, by transport type (passenger, freight, and others), by mechanical type (traction and hydraulic), by elevator door type (automatic and manual), by weight, by final Users, regions, companies, competitions, forecasts and opportunities, "FY2027F" repo
British stone. LOUIS — BPV at Lambert Airport provides safe work
The Career Center begins this week and we need to fill a lot of safe jobs in our area.
Ballpark Village is recruiting security personnel of all skill levels.
The annua
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Authorities said a freight elevator in the Margo City shopping mall in Depok, West Java, fell from the third floor
Alejandro Alvarez | aalvarez@wtop.com
Metro will launch a broad, multi-year effort next week to eliminate more than 100 of the oldest and least reliable escalators — some of which have d
"As part of a $179 million investment to improve safety and reliability, Metro will replace the oldest and least reliable escalator in the system starting Monday, April 26. This is the first of 130 escalators . 7 years.
The construction of the 9th and G Street entrance escalators near the