Triple wins at CIC Construction Innovation Award - Arup

2022-12-09 17:43:17 By : Mr. Alan W

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Arup has bagged three awards at the CIC Construction Innovation Award, in recognition of our innovative initiatives to advance health and safety standards at construction sites. Building Maintenance System

Jerman Cheung East Asia Press Office

We are delighted to be recognised for our efforts in enhancing site safety management with innovation and technology. Leveraging our multidisciplinary expertise, we are keen to strengthen construction sites safety and set new safety performance benchmark with industry stakeholders. ” Andy Lee East Asia Region COO

Organised by the Construction Industry Council (CIC), the award aims to spearhead the development, promotion and implementation of new construction materials, methods, technologies for enhancing the competitiveness of the construction industry.

Local - Safety category – 1st Prize: Smart Site Management Hub (SSMH) for Central Kowloon Route (CKR) 

CKR is a 4.7km long dual 3-lane trunk road across central Kowloon. The main works construction was commenced in 2018 targeting for road commissioning by 2025. As part of Arup-Mott MacDonald JV, the consultant of the CKR project, we are the domain expertise in engineering construction for the Highways Department in developing the SSMH, a GIS-based common data environment for construction management of large-scale infrastructure projects.

SSMH aggregated all data collected from over 40 types of individual sub-systems, IoT sensors and technologies from CKR’s current six works contracts, into a centralised platform to provide a holistic overview and site management anywhere, anytime. The platform also achieved 3D geospatial data visualisation and data integration, enabling real-time monitoring of the site safety.

Local - Safety category – 2nd Prize: CONDUCTOR: An open collaboration platform to unleash the potential of synergy

Developed by Arup in partnership with Swire Properties, CONDUCTOR is an integrated platform to provide a comprehensive framework covering smart site management, site safety and green construction. As an automated AI platform, it is designed to monitor, alert and learn, particularly from near misses that are neither manually reported nor taken seriously by site management. The machine learning function making use of the collected data aims to mitigate future occurrence of site accidents of similar nature.

With all IoT sensors’ data in one place accessible with one single login, CONDUCTOR draws immediate attention from relevant parties through handy mobile devices which expediates swift handling of site safety matters.

Local - Safety category – Merit: Rectangular Tunnel Boring Machine (RTBM)

RTBM was first applied in Hong Kong for the construction of Kai Tak – Choi Hung Subway to tackle the complex site constraints such as busy traffic, sensitive underground utilities and structures. Arup is the consultant, as part of our involvement in the Kai Tak Development project for the Civil Engineering and Development Department. 

The use of RTBM helps minimise the excavation volume and construction time, as well as the risks of confined space operation, groundwater drawdown and over-excavation. The surrounding soil is fully supported by prefabricated segments along the entire tunnel, resulting in a safer and better working environment with less noise and dust. 

Concrete Placing Boom For more information of the award, please visit the event website.