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One gray Saturday morning in 1945, days before the atomic detonations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki brought World War II to a close, a US Army B-25 bomber, lost in thick fog, careened into the 79th floor of the Empi
Have you ever wanted to move upwards, or perhaps even downwards without much physical exertion? Well then lucky you, because elevators exist! Ah, but elevators aren't always there for us and in those cases, we have to resort to using our legs on those pesky stairs.
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South London Press & Mercury
Battersea Power Station will open its doors to the public for the first time from October 14.
Electric Boulevard, a new pedestrianised high street, which runs from the south of the power station, between Frank Gehry’s Prospect Pla
Distingushing between use-by and best-before dates can save you money and reduce food waste
UK households and supermarkets throw away tonnes of edible food every year
aitrose has advised shoppers to eat tinned foods once a week to cut down on food waste, as it announces its plans
She was with her father when her foot suddenly got stuck at the top of the escalator.
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A 4-year-old girl injured two toes on her left foot when it got stuck on an escalator in a supermarket in Kota Bharu, Kelant
The DNAinfo archives brought to you by WNYC. Read the press release here.
BRONZEVILLE — CTA riders are irked that a fairly new escalator at the 35th Street Green Line station works "sporadically" — when it works at all.
"This thing is always off," D
Building heights, stop signs, and surplus land: These are a few of the topics that will dominate the conversation at tonight’s regular meeting of the Traverse City commission. Specially, commissioners will discuss and potentially vote on whether to allow more freedom for rooftop amenitie
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Browse Morganton homes over 4,000 square feet in size.
Large home with endless possibilities! The floorplan offers 3 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, and multiple other living spaces. A section of the home even houses a half basketball cour
The students, who were at a multiplex to watch the 1982 film ‘Gandhi’, were shifted to Apollo Hospitals where authorities said they were all safe.
Twelve school students in Hyderabad who were at a multiplex in Hyderabad’s Banjara Hills for a screening of the 1982 film Gandhi were i
TOOLE, Utah, — Yesterday evening there was a rollover accident on SR36 last night near MP 65. Utah Highway Patrol said a DUI driver hit a parked vehicle off the side of the road.
Furthermore, the vehicle of the DUI driver rolled multiple times. The female passenger of the rol